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Lekhak ki Chhori [लेखककी छोरी]

by JN Dahal
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लेखककी छोरी पुस्तकमा समेटिएका कथाहरूमा लेखकले जन्मभूमिको माया, शरणार्थी जीवनका होची-अर्घेलीसँगै मानिसका विविध भोगाइलाई लिपिबद्ध गरेका छन् । विषयलाई, आफ्नो जीवनभोगाइौं, अनपेक्षित तर कौतूकमय अवतरण गर्नु उनको लेखनको विशेषता हो र यी कथाहरू पनि त्यही विलक्षणताले ओतप्रोत छन् ।

Lekhak Ki Chhori meaning author's daughter. Stories here, main contain the love of the birthplace, the misery of the refugee life, and various sufferings of the people. An unexpected but intriguing landing on the subject, like his own life. Feature of his writing, and these stories are equally fascinating. 

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